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Range Cheap Palladium Plating


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for Palladium Plating

Apart from being a cost-effective solution, there are other advantages of using electroplating range for palladium plating.

  • Versatility: Electroplating range can be used to plate various metals, including gold, silver, and platinum. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses dealing with different types of metal objects.

  • Customizable Thickness: With electroplating range, the thickness of the palladium layer can be easily controlled by adjusting the amount of current passing through the solution. This allows businesses to achieve their desired level of plating without overspending on palladium.

  • Environmentally Friendly: Traditional palladium plating can involve the use of harsh chemicals, which can be harmful to the environment. In contrast, electroplating range uses environmentally friendly compounds, making it a more sustainable option.

How To Get Started

If you are interested in using electroplating range for your palladium plating needs, it is essential to choose a reputable supplier. Umicore, a global materials technology company, offers a sustainable palladium substitute that provides significant price advantages. Their product, known as IONEX™ ECO 150, is a cost-effective palladium-containing compound specifically designed for electroplating range applications.


In conclusion, palladium plating does not have to be expensive. With the use of electroplating range, businesses can achieve high-quality palladium plating at a fraction of the cost. The versatility, customizable thickness, and sustainability of this method make it an attractive choice for businesses looking to save money without compromising on quality. So, why spend more on pure palladium when you can achieve the same results with electroplating range? Consider incorporating this technique into your plating process and experience the cost-saving benefits for yourself!

Electroplating Range: The Cheap Solution for Palladium Plating

Palladium is a popular metal used in various industries due to its high resistance to corrosion and excellent electrochemical qualities. However, the rising prices of palladium have become a concern for many businesses, especially those involved in jewelry making and industrial plating. This is where the concept of electroplating range comes into play, providing a cost-effective solution for palladium plating.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the world of electroplating range and discover how it can help businesses save money while still achieving quality palladium plating.

What is Electroplating Range?

Electroplating range is a process of coating a metal object with a layer of another metal through electrolysis. In simple terms, it involves immersing a metal object, such as jewelry or machinery parts, into an electrolyte solution containing dissolved ions of the desired plating metal. Then, an electric current is passed through the solution, causing the ions to deposit on the metal object, forming a thin but durable layer of plating.

Affordable Alternative to Palladium Plating

The traditional method of palladium plating involves using expensive sources of pure palladium, making it a costly process. However, with the advancement of technology, electroplating range offers a much more affordable alternative. By using electroplating range, businesses can achieve palladium plating at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.

How is it Possible?

The secret behind the affordability of electroplating range is the use of palladium-containing compounds rather than pure palladium. These compounds are much cheaper to obtain, and the palladium can be easily extracted through electrolysis. This not only reduces the cost of purchasing palladium but also requires less energy to produce the desired plating.

Advantages of Electroplating Range

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Range cheap palladium plating
